Sunday, September 8, 2013

Spread your Fragrance

               Make sure to pamper yourself in some way so that you can spread your fragrance to everyone. When you make sure to get alittle time to yourself your enabling your ability to love others. This can be as simple as a foot soak or sometime at a spa treatment, whatever suits your style.

               By doing this you have spent time reflection on all the wonderful things that you have and are ready to cherish those things. I like to do my pampering on Sunday. Right before a new weeks starts. I want to be able, to be ready to face whatever may come my way.

Here are some things that I do that help me:
~ Detox Bath
~ Foot soak with just warm water and Epsom salt
~taking a Sunday nap
~ asking to go to the store alone
~ sitting in the garden with a good book (when it is not too hot)
~ crafting...Yup I love to do crafts so just doing something by myself helps me relax.
~ Paint my nails.
~ Doing a simple face scrub

       I try to find ways to do it so that the cost is down. But the point is to relax and reflection. Once you are relaxed you can spread your joy to others. Everyone is watching you as you go throughout your day, What kind of a person do you want them to see.  Even if the only people that see you is your household, don't you want them to remember you as a mom who was spreading her joy and building up her house.

Proverbs 31:12 " She does him good and not evil ALL the days of her life."

Saturday, September 7, 2013


It always seems like I need a bookmark for something or other. So I make tons. I went to the dollar store and got some big paper clips and put ribbon on them. Fast, easy, and made tons. We have them in books all over the house. They have been  wonderful to have. ~Jen