Monday, March 18, 2013

Corned Beef Cabbage Rolls

Looking for something to do with your leftover corned beef?  Or maybe just a change from the regular boiled dinner?  I found a recipes for cabbage rolls made with rice and hamburger and they looked really good, so I decided to give it a try with my corned beef.  It was so easy and really good.
I baked my corned beef in my deep dish baker I got from Amanda Henderson, my good friend and Pampered Chef consultant.  I then cut the meat into small chunks. I boiled my entire head of cabbage (whole) for about three minutes.  When it cooled enough to touch I peeled the cabbage and rolled up my corned beef  in each leaf and placed them in a well sprayed slow cooker I added some tomato sauce, seasoned with garlic, salt and pepper on top and cooked them on low for about four hours.  They were soooooo good!  Enjoy!

What you'll need:

1 head of cabbage
1 corned beef brisket
2 small cans tomato sauce
season to taste

(my pictures are not cooperating, but hopefully they show you the process a bit)

Money Saving Tips- Household Items

Well here it is, the next installment of Money Saving Tips. This time I will be sharing on how to spend less and save more on common household items. I am so so sorry it took me so long to get this post up! I have been a busy bee working at my new/old job (those of you who know me personally know what I mean) so on with...
Tip #1- Make your own detergents and cleaners: There are a plethora of household cleaner and laundry detergent recipes out there on the world wide web all you have to do is utilize our good friend Google and they will be at your fingertips on no time. Most homemade cleaning products use the same basic ingredients and said ingredients are available at most big box stores. I personally get my basic ingredients for detergents and cleansers at Wal-Mart. They are very inexpensive and you will get multiple recipes from one container. Here is a list of what I have on hand to make cleaner and laundry soap: Borax, washing soda, fels naptha (all 3 are in the laundry soap aisle at the store), white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, baking soda, castile soap and essential oils. You will need to determine what you need for the recipes you want to make. The list may seem long but you can replace almost all of your household cleaners with these items. They are also more natural and safer for you, your family and your pets. I'll be perfectly honest and tell you I have not found replacements for dish soap or dishwasher detergent that I have been satisfied with. But I do use my own counter cleaner, laundry detergent, shower/tub cleaner and fabric softener. If anyone would like any of my household cleaner "recipes" let me know in the comments :)
Tip #2: Shop On-line- Amazon is such a great resource for getting household items either cheaper or easier... as they say time is money. Most items on Amazon are priced comparable to Wal-Mart and Target. Plus you can get the added bonus of free shipping (with restrictions) with out ever getting out of your pjs., eBay, and Craig's List are also great resources for books and other household goods. My dad recently found us cell phone chargers 2 for $5 with free shipping on eBay (for newer phones). They would have been four or five times more expensive at the T-Mobile store. Always do a Google search for on-line coupon codes for whichever site you are using you may find one for free shipping or a percentage off your order. offers free shipping if you pay with your red card (debit or credit). I have a debit red card it links to your checking acct. and is free to sign up, you get 5% off your total purchase and you can sign up a school to get 5% of your purchase (Mount Vernon Christian School is on there FYI).
Tip #3 Shop Thrift stores and Discount stores- I can honestly said that about 75% of what I own has come from one of the following stores: Goodwill, local thrift stores, Ross, Grocery Outlet, Marshall’s, Big Lots, Wal-Mart and yard sales. Always check the mark down or clearence rscks, you never know what you might find. Consignment stores are a great resource for baby items and gently used clothing, some even have housewares. I always have my eye out for a good deal and if I can't find a good deal on something I want, I wait until it is on sale or discounted. You know how our mothers always said patience is a virtue. Well they were right! We need to break ourselves of this instant gratification sickness that has taken us over as a society. Most of the time great bargains take patience... there is nothing worse than buying something impulsively and then finding it somewhere else for less. Some things just don't really ever go on sale so it's important to know what a good price is on these particular items so you can avoid over spending.
Tip #4:  Do your research!- When buying big ticket items (or smal ones) compare prices from as many stores as you can. Some store will price match other stores items and some stores will even beat competitors prices by 10%. Don't forget about Craig's List, consignment stores, and used appliance stores. Gently used furniture and appliances can be huge money saver. Plus you never know when they're might be some awesome free item listed!
Tip #5 Use Store Discount Cards- They are usually free and now some stores are letting you load manufacturer coupons on to your store card. I know Fred Meyer does this for sure. This is also the time to be using your manufacturer coupons, stack them with a store coupon or discount to save even more! Don't be afraid to ask the cashier if their store has some kind of discount card. A lot of stores that you wouldn't think have discount cards actually do. Big Lots has a discount card as well as some clothing stores. I also like my local coffee stand (Morgan's) that has a daily special and a punch card, not to mention awesome coffee and a ton of sugar free flavors!
Tip #6 Follow a coupon/deal website or blog- I am a big fan of QueenBee Coupons, I follow her on Facebook and I go to her blog site.  There are many to choose from so find one you like and check it often. I have gotten quite a few good deals by checking out her site.

I am sure there are many more ways to save money on common household goods, so if you have a great way that works for you please share it with us! I am always striving to save more... a penny earned is a penny saved, right :) Have great day and have fun shopping! As always blessings to you and yours. <3 Annette

Friday, March 8, 2013

Day before payday pasta

Today was payday, tomorrow is shopping day. As I opened up my cupboards I realized mother Hubards cupboards were bare. I wracked my brain for what I could make for dinner. Then I remembered this dish my dad used to make when I was growing up. I thought my kids would really love it and I had everything. At least I think so. I never really made it before so I just sort of went on memory from watching my dad. He got it from his dad. I made up the name. I really have no idea what it's called. Here it is:

Boil 1 lb spaghetti noodles
While they are boiling mix together 5 eggs, a splash of olive oil, a couple shakes of Parmesan cheese, garlic, salt and pepper.
Rinse the noodles with extremely hot water and immediately return them to the pot. Quickly add the egg mixture and stir it around to coat the noodles. Put the lid on for a few minutes.
I have an electric stove so it stays hot, but if you are cooking on gas you may want to put it on low. You want the eggs to be cooked. That's it, super easy and my kids and husband LOVED it! As I side I cut up the last of my cucumbers and peppers. I really need to go shopping soon, but it's nice to know we have a winner!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

DIY Cell Phone Holder

It drives me crazy that my phone never fits into the phone pocket in my purse.  Before I leave the house, I have plenty of time to shove it in, but when I'm out it winds up at the bottom every time.  Also, its extremely hard to find it when I'm standing in the grocery line and my phone is ringing like crazy.  I had an idea to make a little pocket for my phone.  I'm sure this has already been done, but I actually thought it up without looking at a pattern. 
First, I took a scrap of fabric and I measured it to my phone.  I folded the material and cut it to fit,  leaving allowances for seams.  I sewed it inside out so the seams would be on the inside.  I know it seems obvious, but for someone who needs it all spelled out, that is the first thing I always forget. Once my pocket was made, I took a long scrap of fabric (I used part of what I had trimmed) and I folded it in half to make a strap. I wish I had one of those fancy long metal rods for pulling strips right side out, because then I would have made it seamless.  (on my Christmas wish list)  Once that was made I hand sewed a snap on and voila, I was done.  The entire project took me less than an hour, start to finish.  All I have to do is wrap the strap around my purse strap and drop it into my purse and it will be easy to find and has been.  I've only used it for a day and love it already!