Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Turning Lemons into Lemonade for the summer


As we head into summer let’s focus on making this a summer that counts. I have already heard so many people say this summer is going to be long, with having the kid’s home and nothing to do, but that all depends on you as parents! I have big goals this summer of things I want to do, but I know that I must look at the reality of it and will be making a plan to make the most out of it.

Each day of the week will be themed but not set. I am planning to do a learning day, one week it may be on Monday and the next it may be Thursday. The goal is to get in one day of each kind so each week we will have a day focused on learning. Other days include: Craft, movie/game, free, and outing day.

There are so many ideas that you can find to fill each day. Just make sure that the focus is on making some kind of memory that day.

Here are some ideas to get you going:

~We each will be making our own Summer Bucket list. I am letting the kids pick one thing that requires money and the rest have to be cheap or free ideas. Pinterest has tons of summer idea list to get the ball rolling. My summer board is: http://pinterest.com/jenhaddy/summer/

~ Our local city halls do movie in the park night.

~Join your local Libraries summer reading program. There is also one though Barnes and Noble. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/u/summer-reading/379003570/

~Make an “I’m Bored Jar” http://www.shabbybeachnest.com/101-idea-im-bored-jar/

No matter what you do remember to take945288_10200274618454973_530198009_n time out to watch your kids. They will only be this age this summer and you do not want to miss it. Just like my husband said “Man, the kids are growing fast.” They are and will continue to. Stop and fly a kite with your kids before it is too late.

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