Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My new obsession... HOME CANNING!

I love love love home canning! It's only my second year canning and it has been such a great experience with a lot of work, a little failure, and quite a bit of success. I wish I could enthrall you with tales of Grandmotherly wisdom and advice that I learned when I was knee high to a grasshopper but, alas that is not how my story goes. Don’t get me wrong I adore/adored my grandmothers and they did give me great advice just not about canning. They were city girls... one could barely cook at all. So when I decided to start "putting up" aka canning our garden harvest I was on my own. luckily I wasn’t really alone... thank you internet, bloggers and you tube! Be careful though there are some really unsafe recipes and advice out there. I always refer to my Ball Blue Book and other reliable recourses. there are two types of safe canning, hot water bath canning and pressure canning. You can only use hot water bath canning with high acid foods like fruits, pickles, and tomatoes (with added acid). pressure canning must be used with low acid foods like beans, meat and most veggies (unless pickled). at first I was a little scared... I didn't want to kill my family and friends with botulism! Hearing the little pinging sound of my first jars sealing quickly quelled my fears and I was hooked. I recently just canned my first jars of chicken breasts and chicken stock.
It is a great feeling knowing exactly what is in my canned foods and saving our garden fruits and veggies for all year long. I hope this post inspires you to start Conning soon, trust me you'll love it! <3 Annette If you have any questions please feel free to ask… I’ll try to answer the best I can :)


  1. Annette! I'm so proud of your work! It is quite inspiring. I would really like to take on canning next summer/fall. It's neat that you did chicken stock. I was thinking turkey stock would be great to use for Thanksgiving recipes, but the store bought stuff (even natural organic) just creeps me out. Are you planning to can some turkey stock after Thanksgiving this year?
    <3 <3 <3

    1. I ended up canning 20 pints of turkey stock! Cranberry sauce too... I had to put some metal shelves in my spare room to hold it all! Sorry it took me a whlie to respond :) -A

    2. I ended up canning 20 pints of turkey stock! Cranberry sauce too... I had to put some metal shelves in my spare room to hold it all! Sorry it took me a whlie to respond :) -A
